
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Charlie discusses Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach's album "Painted From Memory", which is his entry for the "Unlikely Collaborations" theme. Jake listens to it at the gentle behest of Charlie, and wants to discuss it as well, but found himself awash in a pastiche-tinged 60's pop fever dream instead.
It was a bit of challenge overall, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
On this episode, Jake discusses John Vanderslice's 2011 album "White Wilderness", which is his entry for the "Albums Of One" theme. Chaz listens to it as well at the gentle behest of Jake, and wants to discuss it as well, but is so busy ravaging the indie legend John Vanderslice with John Mayer and Jack Johnson comparisons that he disappears up his own butt in a spectacular display of poor referentialism.
But at least he likes the album alot, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Louder Than Sound Ep19 : Albums of One : Laurie Anderson - Big Science
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Charlie discusses Laurie Anderson's 1982 album "Big Science", which is his entry for the "Albums of One" theme. Jake listens to it at the gentle behest of Charlie, and wants to discuss it as well, but can't speak about the mundane yet profound outrageousness of life (and consequently, the album) without a constant "huh" noise of his own creation on an endless loop in the background, and he couldn't figure out how to produce one in time even though the technology has existed since the late 1970's.
But then again, Chaz doesn't like the color of his sweaters anymore anyway, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
On this episode, Jake discusses Roy Acuff's nebulous compilation of material recorded in the early 50's "The Great Roy Acuff", which is his entry for the "Music Recorded Before 1955" theme. Chaz listens to it as well at the gentle behest of Jake, and wants to discuss it, but gets so into the country-western vibe that his voice gets stuck in a twang so twangy that it becomes incomprehensible.
And don't even get me started on the near-yodeling, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Charlie discusses Washington Phillips' compilation album "Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dream", which is his entry for the "Music Recorded Before 1955" theme, it having been recorded in the late 1920's and early 1930's. Jake listens to it and discusses as well, but gets so worked up and full of the genuine spirit that he leaves the podcast right then to become a full-time jackleg preacher, which he realizes is a bit against the spirit of jackleg preaching, as he thinks by definition is a part-time unpaid gig.
But so is this podcast anyway, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Very special guest Tim Rebers discusses Frank Sinatra's 1955 album "In the Wee Small Hours", which is the inaugural entry for new theme "Music Recorded Before 1955". Jake and Charlie listen to it and discuss in tandem as well, but are frankly not as knowledgable and charming as Tim, so they resort to crooning sad sack tunes about watching the breath they breathe from their lungs on a cold day in January that's enough past Christmas to feel bittersweetly about it, but also far enough from spring that the frigid air burns not just their lungs and nose but also their yet-thawed hearts. They think it's a metaphor?

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Charlie discusses Bridget Bardot and Serge Gainsbourgs' 1968 collaborative album "Bonnie and Clyde", which is his not first, but second entry for the "Albums That Hit Us Hard in 2020" theme. Jake listens to it and discusses as well, but got so, so sick from trying to chain-smoke unfiltered French cigarettes for the entirety of its running time, and about halfway through got his face stuck in an overly-swarthy leer when his unfortunate wife accidentally walked in on him listening.
Comme ci, comme ca, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Is everyone ready for 2022 yet?
On this episode, Jake discusses Aimee Mann's 2017 album "Mental Illness", which is his not first, but SECOND entry for the "Albums That Hit Us Hard in 2020" theme. Chaz listens to it as well, and discusses as well, at the gentle behest of Jake, and wants to discuss it as well, but is so overwhelmed by the general classiness and empathy of the album that his vocal cords start crying every time he tries to say something.
We're looking at a goose snow cone, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Happy continuing New Years, everybody!
On this episode, Charlie discusses Arthur Russell's 1986 album "World of Echo", which is his entry for the "Albums That Hit Us Hard in 2020" theme, despite it clearly not coming out in 2020. Jake listens to it and discusses as well, but thought it might have come out 2020 for all the influences he hears from it in today's new-fangled minimalist sad-sack reverb bandz.
Bet poor Arthur didn't know he'd created a new musical micro-genre, did he, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Happy New Years, everybody!
On this episode, Jake discusses Kahil El'zabar's 2020 album "America the Beautiful", which is his entry for the "Albums That Hit Us Hard in 2020" theme. Chaz listens to it as well, and discusses as well, but gets distracted as usual by making bongo drum noises with his mouth, which is his wont, but he doesn't quite get that only other bongo drums can understand him, and our audience is made up of about 25% bongo drums and 75% human people, according to our latest metrics.
But that's 2021 for you, isn't it, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Merry Christmas Day, everybody!
On this episode, Charlie discusses Sufjan Steven's 2006 holiday classic "Songs For Christmas", which is his entry for the "Christmas Albums" theme. They're all EP's, but whatever, he says out loud, but jovially, and as a card-carrying hipster, he is required to, but in fact enjoys it un-ironically. Jake enjoys it as well, he swears, but as a card-carrying winter cocktail kind of guy, he may have had too much of both the immense playlist and of course those fine winter cocktails.
We swear we didn't plan to put out all of our episodes on Fridays just to have this land on Christmas, we swear, on this episode of Louder Than Sound.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! On this episode, Jake discusses the good, bad, and the existentially ugly of Phil Spector's "A Christmas Gift For You!", which is his entry for the "Christmas Albums" theme. Chaz rocks around the Christmas tree as well, but straight up knocks himself out running into that famed Wall of Sound.
It's a holiday delight for everyone besides Charlie, who is now lying unconscious on the floor of his home office, on this edition of Louder Than Sound.